Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I never...

I never got to cut his hair
to tie his shoes
or change his clothes.

His little feet will never walk,
never jump,
and never climb.

But I'll remember him every day,
every month,
every year and never, never forget.

What little time we had together,
I heard his heart
beat light as a feather.

I felt his kicks against my side.
I know
he 's there, my boy, my pride.

I Never... Copyright Andrea Lewis 2010

It's hard.

It's hard to go to work, go visit friends, even play with my little girl. It doesn't get easier. At least not so far.

When someone says I'm sorry for your loss, after learning what happened, I cry. I can't help it.

I don't generally like to talk about it but I want people to know he existed. I don't want him to be forgotten.

So I open old wounds by constantly reminding people that yes, my little girl does have a brother, I have 2 wonderful children, and oneis an adorable angel boy.