Friday, June 12, 2009

Update on Matthew

I posted earlier about how last week they had us driving to another city to check on one of the twins. He had low fluid and hadn't grown much but seemed to be doing fine otherwise.

We went to the doctor's Tuesday for a checkup and they admitted me about 7 minutes into the the check up. We had to go for a level 2 u/s because they saw something wrong in the clinic and wanted to double check to make sure everything was ok.

Matthew's heart stopped sometime Monday. His sister is fine and looks like she'll carry to term. They kept me in the hospital for three days. Tuesday they had me on magnesium to stop contractions because I started going into labor. They took me off Wednesday because it was dehydrating me. So far the contractions have all but stopped and they only start up sporadically if I get upset. This morning Clarissa started pushing down but eventually stopped.

They have me at home now on bed rest with strict orders to return if the contractions start up or she starts pushing again. Good news is she's healthy and growing measuring right at 28 weeks and weighs 2lb 10oz. They already got the steroid shots into me in case I have to deliver early, so her lungs should be ok.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Matthew isn't growing...

We have two little miracles: Matthew and Clarissa. Clarissa is weighing in at 2lb1oz and 27 weeks but Matthew is weighing 1lb8oz and 23 weeks. They measured him at 22 weeks and they were both right on target and he was measured at 3 days older than she was.

It's been scary the last couple of days because we had a doctors appointment in town on Tuesday at 930. About an hour later we were told we had to be in Little Rock, 3 1/2 hours away in good traffic, Wednesday at 900. I'm very glad for the Telemedicine conferences that they give us here which is how they caught this so quickly. The only problem is they don't know what is wrong with him. It wouldn't be such a big deal but he's also not producing fluid.

We went to Little Rock and they took more ultrasound pictures and video and we had to talk to 2 genetics councilors, 2 specialists, and our referral physicians (3). They won't really tell us anything because they can't figure it out. They wanted to do an Anmiocentesis but Matthew is so small they can't get to him and he doesn't have a lot of fluid anyway. We have to go back next Wednesday for baby EKG's and some other tests.

I was so mad at one of the doctors while we were there because she kept trying to convince us to "act on the behalf of the bigger baby" if anything went wrong. She didn't even look at the old u/s pictures closely enough to remember that he was bigger than her last time! She kept getting the babies confused and asked if he kicked at all. I told her he kicks all the time but they were both being good today so that the doctors could take pictures. (This is very true they never stay still and the u/s techs always have a devil of a time getting them to stay still and not kick the equipment.) She was so surprised when he started moving around and kicking after that she changed her tune and started acting like he wasn't already dead!

They said both babies are developing well and are both viable so if anything happens we can give steroids and deliver them but we're trying to just wait and see. Maybe he'll start growing. My poor little tiny baby! Mommy loves you both!